Call or Text: (206) 745-4181

At Ceylon CEO Life Coaching we provide life strategies for CEO’S of emerging brands. We are a collection of CEO’s, philosophers, behaviorists, nutritionists, personal organizers and fitness experts. We provide a seamless integration of mind, spirit, body and external environment.
The mission of Ceylon CEO Life Coaching is to provide value to our clients, team members and community. Our values are evident in our behavior as we endeavor to produce superior results. We are in the service and expertise business are responsive to the needs of our clients, team members and our community.
Ceylon CEO Life Coaching began in 1994 as a small department of the management consulting company Thomas Center. With the growth of the company, the department eventually grew into its own division and brand.
What We Do
CEO Life Coaching (Life Coach)
Philosophical Coaching
Behavioral Coaching
Nutritional Coaching
Fitness Coaching
Educational Coaching
Minimalist Coaching
Personal Organization (Organizer)
The Hero’s Journey
The foundation and “well spring” of building a great brand is personal. It is the individual desire to create, to build, to be a part of a worthy endeavor, to add value, create meaning and a sense of accomplishment. It also can create high adventure full of twists and turns, risk and peril, loss and gain. Like Joseph John Campbell, an American mythologist, writer and lecturer, and before him, Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist who founded analytical psychology, we believe all of us are living the oldest myth of mankind– known as “The Heros Journey”. The hero is an archetype and each of us is the hero in our own story. Archetypes embody the universal stories and journeys that all human beings share.
At Ceylon we focus on the brand builder himself or herself. A brand that is energetic, healthy and whole is created by a person who is as well. Breakthroughs in our businesses are often preceded by breakthroughs at the personal level. We work to eliminate the barriers that exist between where you want to be personally. We examine your unique journey and discover what truly matters to you. We also examine what is universal to us all, intellectual life, emotional life, physical life and what is optimal for you. A central theme is balance. The development and maintenance of a balanced life can be challenging. Balancing diet, exercise, sleep, work, hobbies and relationships. At Ceylon clarity and focus are achieved through embracing simplicity and the idea that less is more.
Our team includes a personal coach who acts as facilitator and project manager who is responsible for identifying your objectives and the creation of a strategy. You and your coach have access to specialists as needed. Those specialists include but are not limited to nutritionists, chefs, personal trainers (exercise), personal organizers (eliminate clutter), meditation facilitators, public speaking coach, and therapists. This team is unified behind a common goal, assisting you in being who you want be by providing support to your journey and path to personal mastery.